the genetic code of Rough Luxe:
industrial grunge shabby bygone old worn raw mismatched chipped faded new victorian taxidermy moody
peeling rusty nostalgic romantic rumpled theatrical cracked unpretentious flea historical draped fairy tale tin brick flawed
the uncode of Rough Luxe
meltdowns networks buyouts financial bailouts mass produced bigger newer shinier disposable
home shopping homogenized pasteurized
As the economy suffers and more of
the population has less money, they are looking for things to bring
some pleasure into their lives without spending money they don't have. Many are
looking to the past, to bring a familiarity into their lives that
they miss through mass production. Many people do not want fancy things sitting
in china cabinets anymore. The craft movement is a part of Rough Luxe as more
of us want handmade items that have some sort of connection to the person who
personally handled it.
We are reminded
everyday how we should live by the bombardment of celebrities, their
riches and their lifestyles, we are told to have
a perfect home, mind, and body. Here
design rejects minimalism and extravagance and celebrates imperfection. Rough Luxe reminds us that the plain and simple and
unfinished is far more interesting than living with high end luxury goods that
are mass produced. it is the celebration of raw imperfections.
Rough Luxe creates a
different atmosphere than shabby chic. Like its name it is rougher,
moodier, darker and not as feminine. A room filled with taxidermy, industrial
fans, a black door, a dark room, a distressed blackboard, a cracked brick wall,
and an unkempt garden filled with broken statuary all bring
Rough Luxe into our homes. This
beautifully illustrated book showcases the best examples of how the masterful
staging of raw imperfection can fulfill the desire for a luxury design.
Rough Luxe is beautifully printed and published by the Curated Collection. This publishing house specializes in
high quality lifestyle publications and digital media. This richly
illustrated book showcases the best examples of how the masterful staging of
raw imperfection can fulfill the desire for a luxury design.